I have had the honor to be friends with Reagan for fifteen years(Holy crap I am not that old). For fifteen years we have been through laughs, cries, fights, and moves. Growing up we always played pretend, or as Reagans little sister, Nakeli, would say we were just weird. We always had our imaginary weddings, boyfriends, families, and our bikes were horses (lol no, we aren’t weird). Fast forward to growing up, all of our games we played were coming true. Real boyfriends, real weddings, unfortunately no real horses though (lol). But, a kicker was thrown our way when I get the news that Reagan has cancer. Cancer? We didn’t practice that when we played pretend? Why would I want to practice what life could possibly be like if cancer won? All these thoughts running through my head, but Reagan remains calm and strong. Thankfully after a lot of long treatments, doctor visits, and a LOT of prayers, we are cancer free! I can’t believe it. Unfortunately, Long treatments and chemicals can take a toll on your body. It put a hold on our pretend game of, “lets play mommy! Our kids will be bffs just like us!” I was already pregnant and we would discuss how great of an auntie Reagan would be since the chemo and radiation made it almost impossible for Reagan to conceive naturally. But out of some miracle (cough cough Jesus Christ) I get a call when I was 10 weeks pregnant that Reagan was also pregnant! How exciting. Our next game can be checked off our list. And even better our two little girls get to grow up together knowing how close their moms were to God and each other. I can’t wait to meet my sweet Annalise Harper in February! Reagan is so strong, and has an amazing relationship with God that is so inspiring, and I am so glad to have her here today to do this life with me.
If you know our story, you would probably think we were friends straight out of a movie. But we aren’t! Our story and the hardships we faced as friends shows that when God closes a door he closes it for a purpose. If God will put you through it, he will get you through it. The only bandage to our deepest wounds is God and the secret to an amazing friendship and getting through the hardships is to put God first. Whether you like Gods decision or not, it’s always the right one. When you feel like giving up, don’t. You never know what door will open next! <3
Psalm 34:18
Here are a few photos from her 32 week pictures! More maternity ones to come after Christmas!